Testosterone Enanthate – Testoviron

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Any posology and methods of use indicated in relation to use in sports or in a beauty salon are not relevant to specific advice; they intend to provide general information in accordance with what is disseminated by scientific publications on this subject (see bibliography or other texts on doping) in order to limit the phenomena of abuse, while it should be understood that there is no safe and free dosage or drug combination of side effects … For these reasons, the author disclaims all responsibility for damages, claims or damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of this information.

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Testosterone enanthate or enanthate is the trade name Testoviron

Testoviron is one of the oldest anabolic steroids ever; in fact, from the point of view of the brand, it is the oldest of them all. Schering first published Testoviron in the mid-1930s in the form of Testosterone Propionate. This will be the first testosterone product commercially available on the market. However, Schering will soon introduce two more testosterone products on the market, both with the same Testoviron brand. Testosterone enanthate has become and remains the dominant form of Testoviron; in fact it is the most popular and widely sold brand of Testosterone enanthate achat in the world, if not the most common brand of all testosterone.

Testosterone Enanthate It is almost identical to another popular testosterone compound in the testosterone depot (Testosterone Cypionate). Both products are larger ester-based testosterones with minimal half-life difference. In fact, there really is no difference from milligram to milligram. One will not give different results than the other, and both will have the same positive traits and the same potential side effects. Once the ester (enanthate or cypionate is ester) is removed, the same identical testosterone hormone remains.

Important Note: The third form of testosterone is a mixture of testosterone propionate and testosterone enanthate. There are four specific concentrations of this version. However, the enanthate ester version is the one most found on the market today.

The functions and properties of Testosterone Enanthate

Testoviron is a large testosterone ester compound. It is a purely synthetic form of the primary male hormone with a carboxylic acid ester attached to enanthoic acid (enanthate). The ester is attached to the 17-beta hydroxyl group, which allows the release of the hormone testosterone to be controlled. After the testosterone hormone is injected, it does not become active until the ester has been removed. The ether begins to separate from the hormone and while testosterone is slowly released into the body. From the moment of administration, depending on the individual metabolism of the hormone, the levels reach a peak 36-48 hours after administration. Therefore, the levels will begin to decline and stabilize by the end of the week. Levels will continue to decline unless another injection is given. Based on therapeutic injections, due to a half-life of 8 days, a person may have one injection every two weeks before reaching bottom. However, if levels are to be maintained at a stable and optimal level, it should be administered weekly.

Testosterone Enanthate has an anabolic and androgenic score of 100 in both categories as well as all testosterone compounds. It is also ideal for treating low testosterone levels, which is no surprise since it is pure testosterone. For this reason, Testoviron is the most commonly prescribed drug in the world when it comes to treating conditions such as hypogonadism. Testosterone Enanthate is used in the US but Testosterone Cypionate remains dominant in US markets.

Millions of men suffer from low testosterone levels, and this condition can cause numerous symptoms that reduce a person’s quality of life. Testosterone may be a drug to treat this condition.
Common symptoms of low testosterone levels include:

  • Decreased libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Loss of strength
  • Increased body fat
  • Loss of mental clarity and / or concentration
  • Hibernate
  • Lack of energy
  • Insomnia
  • irritant
  • Depression
  • Weakened immune system

Important Note: Loss of muscle mass, strength, and fat gain can occur with low testosterone levels despite adequate diet and exercise, and it is often difficult or impossible to correct with low levels. strong>

It’s not hard to see how annoying the aforementioned symptoms can be, but many men choose to ignore them or believe that this is just an unpleasant fact of age that cannot be resolved. The most annoying thing is that Testoviron could solve all problems and, above all, ensure better long-term health. Long-term low testosterone levels are associated with:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Alarm
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • osteoporosis
  • Infertility
  • Polyuria

So we’re left with the performance-enhancing athlete, and here we find that features and qualities are extremely beneficial. It is an anabolic steroid that can be used by most athletes with high success rates. It is one of the anabolic steroids in most if not the most versatile and it carries all the basic traits that a steroid user would want. Equally important, Testosterone Enanthate is a high quality brand that ensures the user gets the most out of their testosterone product. Testoviron is interested in five main features:

Improved Protein Synthesis: Refers to the rate at which cells build proteins, the building blocks of muscle.

Improved nitrogen retention: Anabolic activity is increased where less retention contributes to a catabolic atmosphere. This is important because all non-greasy tissue is 16% nitrogen.

Increase in the number of red blood cells: Red blood cells carry oxygen through the blood. An increase in the number of red blood cells causes an increase in muscle endurance. It will also play a role in recovery.

IGF-1 upregulated: Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is a protein hormone that is highly anabolic and affects almost all cells in the human body. It is also a hormone that is directly related to another important human growth hormone (HGH) hormone.

Reduction of glucocorticoids: These are natural hormones that are mainly produced in the human body. Known as stress hormones, they can promote fat gain and muscle loss. Testoviron ensures that they do not become dominant in the body.

You May Also Read: Testosterone Propionate

The information in this article is provided for educational purposes only.
You should consult your doctor and take no action on the content of this article

The dosage and methods of use indicated in relation to sports or aesthetic use are NOT relevant to specific advice; they intend to provide general information in accordance with what is disseminated by scientific publications on this subject (see bibliography or other texts on doping) in order to limit the phenomena of abuse, while it should be understood that there is no safe and free dosage or drug combination of side effects … For these reasons, the author disclaims all responsibility for damages, claims or damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of this information.

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