Metabolism: how to speed it up naturally

One of the main reasons why losing weight is difficult is your slow metabolism. Many already know this when dieting. Most likely, all this is associated with the lethargic phase of metabolism. Without a good basal metabolism, the body stores extra calories as fat. Metabolism is influenced by many factors such as age, weight, hormonal changes, muscle mass, diet, genetic factors, stress, and the amount of physical activity you do daily.

What is metabolism?

Metabolism is a set of chemical-physical processes that convert food into energy necessary for the proper functioning of the body. These reactions are practically designed to extract and process the energy contained in food, and then distribute it to meet the energy and structural needs of the cells. Therefore, it can also be considered as a “regulator” of body weight, because if it accelerates, it loses weight, if it slows down, it gains weight.

Hormones that regulate metabolic rate are produced by the thyroid gland. Simply put, metabolism is the rate at which our body burns calories to meet our vital needs. At this stage, it is necessary to dispel the false myth: often, when you realize that even if you are not eating enough, you are not losing weight, you are additionally reducing the number of calories, this is wrong. This solution is not good for our body and not even good. In fact, when the human body is low on food, it slows down physiological processes and reduces calorie intake by slowing down metabolism. This is why some radical diets that involve excessive calorie restriction have the opposite effect of what you want, and they also slow metabolism by up to 20%.

Dr. Pierpaolo Morosini, an endocrinologist from Ancona, gives us further explanations on this issue, explaining: “This is a typical trend called yo-yo. With diet, you gain weight loss, if you abandon the diet, you regain the lost weight and a few more pounds. To get the same drop, you need a low-calorie diet. We lose less weight but recover soon after. Thus, it is increasingly difficult to lose weight, and it is always easier to gain weight when the diet is stopped. Therefore, it is necessary to accept a reasonable weight and maintain this weight with minimal dietary sacrifice in order to be able to earn a lifetime. ”

How can you naturally speed up your metabolism?

One of the main methods of naturally accelerating metabolism is the practice of physical activity. accelerate metabolism It is recommended to perform mixed activities characterized by tonic exercises with weights, with simulators or with body weight. These fitness exercises are associated with aerobic exercise such as running, cycling, or swimming. Muscle exercise is necessary because it indirectly increases metabolism through increased secretion of anabolic and the subsequent accumulation of muscle mass. Improving muscle tone helps you burn more calories even during physical activity.

During sports, our metabolism increases significantly and remains high even for several hours after finishing training, sometimes up to 12 hours after. The combination of these training techniques can significantly increase your metabolism, build muscle rich in capillaries and mitochondria. In fact, metabolic rate is partly dependent on the muscle mass that each of us has. Generally, the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be and vice versa. For every 4.5 pounds of extra muscle, our body effortlessly burns 500 calories a day; a number that can make us lose about half a kilogram per week. Therefore, a great way to speed up your metabolism is gaining weight in training.

When following a diet, it is also very important to be careful not to lose more than a pound and a half, so as not to lose muscle mass and reduce the metabolic rate. Thus, to speed up the metabolism, it is recommended to do at least two or three workouts per week for at least 40 minutes, alternating aerobic exercise with tonic exercises. It is also helpful to change your training program frequently to promote the metabolic adaptations needed to cope with new stress. When doing aerobic exercise, you need to maintain a constant rhythm without taking too long breaks.

Your heart rate during exercise should be around 70-75% of HRmax for at least thirty minutes. Excessive sessions should be avoided, especially if you are not in proper physical condition. For those who do not have time to play sports, there are some tips, such as parking a few hundred meters further, do not take the elevator but climb the stairs, use a broom instead of a vacuum cleaner, etc., During the day, you should try actively contract muscles: flatten the abdomen, clench fists, move legs, contract the quadriceps. These spontaneous contractions help speed up your metabolism. Another tip is to do fitness exercises in the evening. At this stage of the day, metabolism slows down to prepare the body for a night’s rest. Learning will increase.

What other measures can you take to undermine your metabolism?

To speed up your metabolism, it is helpful to link a proper diet with daily physical activity; in fact, there are some foods that help speed up the metabolism, among them stand out:

  • ginger, which increases heat within the body and therefore stimulates metabolism
  • green tea and white tea considered to be excellent detoxifying, antioxidant and thermogenic substances
  • apple cider vinegar helps digest fatty foods and meals

Other useful tricks:

  • don’t stick to the same diet for too long
  • drink plenty of water
  • eat small meals at least every 4 hours
  • combine vegetables with whole foods, lean proteins and “good” fats
  • eat seasonal fruits
  • spices with nutmeg
  • prefer sour fruits for snacks
  • avoid sweets, especially in the evening
  • Eat naturally high fiber whole grains
  • avoid butter, cream, bacon, sausage, margarine

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